Career Development Plan Templates (Free)

Professional success comes from defining goals and identifying the steps needed to achieve them. A career development plan template will help you document your plan and strategy.

Templates are available here for free without the need to sign up for anything. Download your preferred version in Word and get started on career planning.

Types of Development Plans

Three main types of free templates are available here for download.

  • Career development plan templates are general-purpose and mainly used by students and professionals for career growth.
  • Professional development plan templates aim to improve skills and advance within a current role.
  • Employee development plan templates are often used by managers and HR teams to help employees grow, improve performance, or prepare for future roles.

Career Development Plan Templates

Career development plan templates help you set career goals and map out steps to achieve them. They’re useful for everyone, from students starting their career journey to professionals looking for structured career growth. They offer guidance on setting goals, developing skills, and identifying opportunities.

1. Career Action Plan

This Word template maps out a flexible path toward career objectives. It includes sections to set goals, outline education, identify skills needed for future success, and build experience.

Originally sourced from Postgraduate Futures, the template is based on the article Career Action Plan for Students by Heather Catchpole. It guides students through creating a plan that covers career goals, education paths, and practical steps for progress.

2. Career Development Plan for Students

Designed for students, this template helps outline educational goals, internships, and early career choices. It serves as a starting point for planning your career while still in school.

Originally sourced from Mallory Careers, the template is based on Andrew Lancaster’s article Career Development Plan for Students. It guides students through creating a flexible plan that adapts as their studies and career goals evolve.

3. Career Development Plan with Questions

This Career Development Plan with Questions template guides you through a process to clarify current skills, set goals, and identify the steps and resources needed for career growth. Detailed questions help draw out insights into the individual.

4. Five Step Career Development Plan

This structured template breaks down career development into five stages, from goal-setting to action. It’s perfect if you prefer a clear, step-by-step approach to career growth.

Originally sourced from Future Educators, it aligns with the article Create a Career Development Plan: 5 Steps by Kendall Bird, which guides individuals through the essential steps for career success.

5. Informal Career Development Plan

For a more adaptable approach, this elegant document lets individuals jot down goals and next steps without rigid structure. It’s ideal for those who want a plan that evolves over time.

Sourced from Australian Universities, the template aligns with the article Create a Career Development Plan Now! by Dr Andrew Lancaster. It encourages a flexible strategy that grows with your career goals and educational choices.

Professional Development Plan Templates

Professional development plan templates are for workers to improve skills, align professional goals with organizational needs, and prepare for future roles. They focus on continuous learning, skill-building, and career advancement within a professional setting.

6. Leadership Development Plan

Leadership career planning is useful for employees with leadership potential or current leaders aiming to enhance their abilities. It covers self-assessment, coaching, and mentorship opportunities.

7. Professional Development Plan

Professional development planning helps individuals set specific goals for improving skills and advancing in their careers. This flexible template includes sections for self-assessment, skill development, and action planning.

8. Strategic Individual Development Plan

This template is a collaborative tool between employees and managers. You align professional goals with organizational objectives. It outlines a clear development path adapted to individual needs.

Employee Development Plan Templates

Employee development plan templates are part of HR and team performance management. They help employees grow, identify areas for improvement, and create actionable steps for career advancement within an organization.

9. Big Goal Employee Development Plan

This template helps employees set ambitious, long-term career goals and provides a clear plan to achieve them. It includes sections for defining objectives, identifying skills, and outlining actionable steps with timelines, making it easier to track progress toward significant career milestones.

10. Performance Improvement Plan

A structured template used when an employee is not meeting job expectations. It helps identify performance gaps, set goals for improvement, and outline the steps needed to meet the goals.

11. Skills Gap EDP

This template identifies specific skills gaps in an employee’s performance and creates a clear plan to close those gaps. It includes steps for targeted development, helping employees improve in key areas with measurable goals and actionable tasks.

12. Stronger Skills EDP

This employee development plan template helps employees build core skills and prepare for advanced roles. It guides users by identifying key skills to improve, setting clear goals, and outlining actionable steps.

13. Various Goals EDP

This flexible employee development plan template addresses multiple career goals. It’s ideal for employees who are managing differing objectives at once, allowing them to set priorities and track progress across different areas of development.

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